Why Hamburg
Since hundreds of years Hamburg is a global player: Commercial center, global city next to the water – the city on the Elbe River is the German “Gate to the World”. Not only goods from all around the globe arrive here but also people from more than 185 nations settled themselves in Hamburg. The Port of Hamburg is a global junction and not only one of the most productive but also one of the most sustainable ports. Around 10.000 ships arrive here per year, there are 320 berths and the quay wall is 43 kilometers long – just some of the impressive figures.
Water is also everywhere in the heart of the city: Nearly 1.500 parks, rivers, canals and seas invite you to linger – the metropolis on the Elbe River is one of the greenest European metropoles. 1,7 million inhabitants live in 104 districts that all are charming in their very own way: Hamburg is a city of diversity.
By now, Hamburg is not only just a commercial but also a cultural center. World-famous composers like Brahms or Bach worked here and their successors find excellent conditions in the state theatre and the new Elbe Philharmonic Concert Hall (“Elbphilarmonie”) that was opened early 2017.
And for everyone who is not the biggest fan of classical music: The Reeperbahn in the heart of St. Pauli is always worth an evening!