Meet Dominic – Managing Director of Tipico Shop Agency West
- What’s your Tipico story?
My journey with Tipico started in summer 2014, when I joined the company as Head of Corporate Communications. After five years I received the great opportunity to grow into a further management role: Since July 2019 I am Managing Director of Tipico Shop Agency West and responsible for 60 Tipico stores in Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Offenbach with 200 employees.
- What was your first impression of Tipico?
When I started back then, I was surprised that the company was quite lean, related to the huge outreach and visibility of more than 1,000 stores, the sponsorships or TV advertising. What I loved from the beginning and still do is the agility, our passionate culture and the ambition to become each day better than the day before.
- Mention your best moments working here.
There were many huge moments in the past six years with the company – be it working together with great colleagues from different locations and cultures, celebrating success as the market leadership in Germany and many more.
- What challenges do you face?
As a people manager you are challenged every day, since we are working with passionate people and many different characters. On the business side the retail area is quite complex and keeps you on your toes in many different ways: Customers, employees, landlords, service provider or local authorities are just a few key stakeholders from our daily business.
- What is special about Tipico?
The daily ambition for success, never settling for 2nd – and same time acting as a responsible gaming company that plays by the rules.
- What’s your daily pitch like?
One typical day could be like: Analysing the daily reports and numbers with my sales team in the morning, negotiating a rental agreement with a landlord at lunch time, visiting a new shop under construction in the afternoon, having a chat with customers and shop workers in our flagship store during Champions League coverage in the evening. But that’s theory, in reality every day is different – and I like it.
- What do you look forward to when you walk into our offices?
Entering the office doors in the morning is like getting the game going – and in the evening I want to leave the pitch together with my team as a winner. That’s my daily drive.
- As you know we love sports.. which is your favourite?
I love football – be it as a player on the pitch or as a fan in the stadium. I also like to follow great games of the NHL and NFL, but football is always king.
- What is your one piece of advice for anyone interested in being part of our game?
It’s all about winning. Don’t refer to the past, help us to become better today and better tomorrow. Become a key player of our game: with strong talent and a good mentality.