Meet Matthias – Head of CRM

1. What’s your Tipico story?

I started working at Tipico around 4 and a half years ago, as a CRM Manager and relocated to sunny Malta for this opportunity. Having worked already in the iGaming industry before, changing to the market leader of Sports Betting, was a very good transfer for me. Half a year later, I got promoted to the CRM Team Manager, having the chance to enlarge the CRM team from 2 CRM Managers to 8 CRM Managers and 1 Lifecycle Manager. After proving myself in this role I got promoted again to Head of CRM, at the end of 2019.
My focus is to manage the Retention Team of 20+ specialists, with the aim of keeping customers active and engaged with our products, explaining new features to the userbase and outlining communication strategies. All this is only possible with the support of the whole team around me.

2.What was your first impression of Tipico?

 Besides getting to know a lot of new colleagues that became friends… very fast, Tipico helps new starters a lot. I came from abroad, so I was happy to benefit from the support, they offer a relocation package and a company flat for one month.
The working environment is very professional and there is a lot of room for growth and learning. But there is always time for a joke as well. To sum it up: Tipico never pretends to be something that it is not– just like a real “Original” as the brand names claims it, the first very good impression lives on until now.

3. Mention your best moments working here.

There are a lot of very good moments. One of the best is the high level of responsibility for each and every employee – for a big campaign, a major project or an important user journey improvement. Due to the lean setup of every department, the level of responsibility and collaboration is very high. Having delivered such projects for a market leader in Sports betting and sponsor of FC Bayern Munich is a highlight of everyone’s work.
Besides that, obviously, Tipico knows how to organise very good Summer and End of Year parties and events like a Corporate Social Responsibility day or a Sports day. Since a lot of my colleagues are also friends, these events are another highlight.

4. What challenges do you face?
A big challenge is certainly the new regulations but also the current pandemic. These external factors can change developed plans and strategies within seconds. But there is only one option: To take these challenges and to make the best out of them. As One Team, everyone at Tipico strives to make any challenge, an opportunity for our business. And let’s face it: without such challenges, any working environment would be very boring – these challenges give us new chances every time.

5. What is special about Tipico?

Being the market leader in Germany, premium partner of FC Bayern München and first betting partner of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga is definitely very special. On top of that, the successful collaboration between a lot of different nationalities and cultures is another important factor. And in your daily work, no matter in which department, you can feel and even track your impact on the business – which is very special in such a big company.

6. What’s your daily pitch like?

The iGaming industry is very dynamic in various perspectives so there is not really a typical day for me. And this is what I like so much about the Sports betting and Games areas: There is no time to get bored but instead one needs to adapt to different circumstances.
To sum up some important parts of my day: Checking KPIs to find out how we performed the day before, finding patterns over a longer timeframe, analysing which Retention Marketing actions are needed and if the outlined communication and campaign strategy is still in line with these developments. Most important of all, to manage my team of 20+ people by coaching them, to achieve our goals. Obviously, there is a lot of coordination needed within our own team but also with other departments. My target for each day is to enrich the customer experience with Tipico a bit more.

7. What do you look forward to at work?

I look forward to every match day since every time, it is a moment of truth. For example: How did the new marketing campaign perform? What positive effect did new journey changes have? Did the new registered customers successfully verify their account?
I look forward to the Euro Cup (which is hopefully happening in Summer 2021), to set up the campaign strategy for this event and to further improve our outstanding customer experience. And something else that for sure everyone is eager for: since we can work from home, I can’t wait until I can see every colleague in the office again, once the current situation is over.

8. As you know we love sports.. which is your favourite?

Honestly, I have two left feet and I’m really bad in any kind of ball sports so I focus on individual sports, like running. I like watching football, but I certainly do not know all the players. So, when it comes to joining us, you do not have to be the biggest sports fan! But being interested in sports and in the business helps you a lot. What I can guarantee is, a football game will never be the same again – you will feel the thrill of every match since the result of a major team might have an impact on our work actions.

9. What is your one piece of advice for anyone interested in being part of our game?

I can give you the advice to try out our products and get familiar with them. This is important when working with our customers and keeping their user journeys in mind – no matter in which area you join us. Get ready for an exciting time with a lot of helpful colleagues from around the globe, working in one of the most interesting and agile industries.