
Meet Florian - Agile Coach
What’s your Tipico story?
My journey with Tipico…

Meet Matthias - Head of CRM
1. What’s your Tipico story?
I started working…



Journey through our Migration to Cloud – Over 2 years later
This is a story of optimisations and improvements but also several…

Meet Stephanie - Business Intelligence Developer
What’s your Tipico story?
I started at Tipico around…

Meet Agnieszka - Product Manager
What’s your Tipico story?
I’m working as a Product…

Meet Dominic - Managing Director of Tipico Shop Agency West
What’s your Tipico story?
My journey with Tipico started…

Meet Christian - Our Customer Service Trainer
1. What’s your Tipico story?
I started with Tipico…

Tipico 'Help Centre' Revamp - #oneteam
At Tipico, the customer is at the centre of everything we do,…

Why a bird's eye view of the workplace is a greater starter for the young professional: 6 tips for making internships meaningful
What really makes education matter so much?
Most would opine…

Is the future of work, all about technology? Here’s why everybody is talking about AI, automation & Big Data
The 'new normal'
In a global job market, that's competitive…